New Year: Same me, just slightly closer to death...

That was a slightly misleading title, it's a slightly different me because I'm better than last years me.

But that's neither here nor there.

Things have been pretty good for me and seem to be getting better both in and outside of game development, I released a tiny project called 'Guide of the Butterfly' and made big strides in developing 'Dungeons of Loot' to the point I could get it fully released this year!

On that note, I'm on track to getting the 0.1 release out on the 17th with the story mode coming together nicely.

I'm thinking that I'll be able to get the full game out and done roundabout late Q2 early Q3, maybe sooner.

Another thing for this year is that I'll be aiming to put out 3 or 4 prototypes for potential 'next' projects, I'm not sure what kind of games they'll be at the moment.

But more will come over the next few months when I've decided on the ideas I'll be expanding on and as a side note, I'll be streaming the development of them all.

To keep up with the various development bits from Dungeons of Loot through to those prototypes then you can catch me at the following places:

Twitter: @MrLParker
Discord: Lukes Gamedev Emporium

You can also support my work by buying my games over here at or by me a coffee at